Power of Mantras

A Spark of Motivation

                        We love inspirational quotes. We have them at our work tables or printed on a t-shirt, we browse them on the internet or have them tattooed. The social media platforms are flooded with them. Coming across a relatable quote, at the end of a long rough day can surely be relaxing. We cannot deny how comfortable is the feeling of “I am not the only one”. Reading a quote gives us that quick outburst of wisdom that pulls us through our task. Often these quotes say something that we already know. They affirm our beliefs. They act as a guide.

            Though this inspiration may not last long, you might have accomplished a small task as long as it does. Maybe you have completed the conclusion of your report or sent that important email, or even completed your daily workout. And these accomplishments become the driving force for your next task. So here are some quotes to give you that little push for today...


There is no traffic jam on the extra mile.

-Zig Zagler

Going the extra mile is taking the extra effort. It's doing something that is out of one's way, that is less than convenient, and that too without being asked. It does not require any special skill in fact it is just a matter of willingness. Sure, it is hard and so, only a few people choose to go that far. And that might be the exact reason why that extra mile is filled with so many opportunities.


We must all suffer from one of the two pains: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret. The difference is discipline weighs ounces while regret weighs tons.

- Jim Rohn

The most helpless situations start with "I wish I had...". I wish I had shared my idea too, I wish I had not pressed that snooze button. Discipline never comes easy. But it is better to suffer in the process of being disciplined rather than face regret because you did not try enough.


Bravery is being the only one who knows you're afraid.

- Franklin P Jones

Bravery does not mean a lack of fear but t is the ability to not show that you are afraid. Experiencing the feeling of fear, but not letting it change our decision is bravery. It might not be visible to others but even deeds like accepting a mistake, standing up for a vulnerable, making a confession need courage and you are brave for doing it.


The reason why we struggle with insecurity is that we compare our behind-the-scenes with everyone else's highlight reel.

- Franklin P Jones

Looking at the flawless Instagram stories we often think that others are better than us. A comparison is only fair when the contenders are at nearly the same level in terms of familiarity with the field. But in everyday life, we often compare our weaknesses with the ones who are excel in the area. Everyone's life is too unique to be compared instead compare yourself with your former self.

From: Siddhi Modi Joint Designer, ELESA


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