December 29th, 2019. There were still many memories and presents of the recent Christmas, and more excitement for the upcoming New Year. It was going to be just another year, as we all thought, there would be much more resolutions, trips, and promises we shall fulfill this year. But this day marked the start of another dark page in the history of mankind. The corona outbreak, starting its way from China, continued the disrupts all around the world. From first-world countries to the very poor, it did not discriminate. The TVs were flooded with news reporting the number of deaths, nearly every minute. Death cast a spell upon us, in the most unexpected way. 

But what had caused it? Why was, after millions of years of inventions and so-called leading every other species of this planet, a tiny microorganism destructing the root of this glorious species? Was it because one man didn’t know bats were inedible? Was it just another country’s plan to rise up to the top? All of the reasons were left unresolved. Humanity’s dream to conquer ‘flying cars’ received a sudden break.

All nations decided to shut down their gates for preventing the spread of the virus. Every human interaction was made ‘illegal’, and that started the ‘quarantine’ period. Much like hibernation, but awake with smartphones, this was one of its kind captivity. But why was, a halt at their own house with facilities, taking a negative toll on the mental health of many? Why were people giving up their dreams and desires just because they cannot be out with anyone else? The quarantine period gave rise to a rather rare human emotion-loneliness. There was an outside world, where people were suffering because of foreign species and then there was an inside world, where people were suffering because of foreign thoughts. In all of our lifetime, we read about the bubonic plague, cried for the victims but still never imagined ourselves in a similar situation. The outbreak was so sudden that it left many of our thoughts suspending, and now ready to strike our brain.

Humans are social beings, we are designed to work in teams, form relationships and thus find the security of self within them. When we are suddenly outcasted or locked away from our loved ones, we stress over things that we never had to think about. We start becoming more and more anxious and end up blaming ourselves for all that’s happening, for not being loved. Lack of work and resources, losing our loved ones further added to the pressure.

The Pandemic increased a concerned audience for Mental Health by a significant amount. It's safe to say that a minority had found solace in the newfound way of life. They had realized the situation and its consequences and accepted it in their own way. It was an important year to find time for yourself, as many recalled it as ‘self-reflection’. It made people realize how their life was dependent on others. This tangled, and mysterious life of human survival was somehow laid all in front of them. Through an evolution of thoughts, each generation has looked upon such scenarios from a different point of view. The pandemic brought upon everyone’s take on emotions, survival, and all other mere human instincts.

It is December 2021 now. A few more days for a Christmas, a much of excitement; now filled with nervousness in it. There is a subtle hint of the virus everywhere, with variants filling the internet. But humanity still finds a way through it. A reek of happiness through responsible behavior is all we need now, to bloom into eternity.


From: Sakshi Sanjay Sarwade



  1. Excellent work @Sakshi.
    This Pandemic affected entire section specially medical care. But worst affected is Mental health. Rightly mention...


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