TESLA : The Future of Automobile !!

Tesla, Inc. is an American electric vehicle and clean energy company based in Austin, Texas, United States. Tesla designs and manufactures electric cars, battery energy storage from home to grid-scale, solar panels and solar roof tiles, and related products and services. It was founded in 2003. The CEO of Tesla is Mr. Elon Musk.

Tesla has become the most valuable car company in the world. It is more valuable than the next 10 car companies like Ford, Toyota, General Motors, Daimler, BMW, and others combined. Its share price has increased exponentially to almost 15 times in the last two years as people invested more and more in the company. And yet, the market share of Tesla is only around 2%.

There are mainly 4 models in Tesla Electrical Cars : 

  1. Model S
  2. Model Y
  3. Model 3
  4. Model X
Source of Revenue : 

  1. Selling of EV: Most of the revenue of the company comes due to the selling of cars but it is not a single source.
  2. Business of Energy: Along with EV, Tesla also manufactures Solar proofs, Power Walls Renewable Energy Resources.
  3. Servicing of EV's:
Also, One remarkable thing about Tesla is that the company spends zero dollars on advertising their products... and nevertheless the most successful company...

They are spending billions of dollars for research and to find new technologies in electrical vehicles. The latest news shows that Tesla is going to launch an Electrical Car worth 25000 dollars and in 2023 will be the cheapest EV... and the price of that car will be around Rs. 70,00,000 in India. 

The graph below shows the stats of Service Venue, advertising and research expenditure of company : 
In upcoming years, many companies are ramping up for the production of Electrical Vehicles, so only time can tell us that will Tesla continue to remain a successful company in upcoming years or it will fail??

From: ELESAite Utkarsh Patki
Joint Aptitude Developer, ELESA 


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