The Gift Of Acceptance !

Acceptance and responsibility are the keys to peace of mind as well as success.

Who stops us from being free? We blame the government, we blame the weather, we blame our parents, we blame religion, we blame God. Yet who really stops us from being free? We stop ourselves.” 

    The only one way to have real power in our lives is to take responsibility for them – to own and even claim whatever happens in the situations we are dealing with that and we are only responsible for that.
     That doesn’t mean that we can control everything that happens to us, that everything that happens is our fault, but we should take responsibility for accepting things the way they are, and the way they are not. Nothing more.
If you look at what most of us do, however, we not only don’t accept… we come up with a whole drama around what it means that things happened a certain way. we don’t have what we want in life because of that wrong and unfair situation. Certainly, what happens to us in life has an impact. But to blame other people and life for why things aren’t working after– and often, long after– the fact is not about dealing with the impact. In these situations, we are allowing blame to disempower us by using it as an excuse to not fight for what it is we say that we want, regardless of the circumstances, regardless of what people do, regardless of what happened and happens to us.
    Through acceptance, we not only clear the past, but all of the reasons and the excuses that have prevented us from moving forward and getting what we want as well. We’re then in a position of tremendous power, one in which we are free to take inspired and relentless action in our careers, relationships, and lives until we either get what we want or feel at peace that we have given it our absolute best shot.
A fantastic career, a great relationship, personal fulfillment… these things are available to each of us… and they often take more effort, time, and patience than we bargained for. This is why responsibility and acceptance are so important...
Accept every situation and give it your best shot for achieving your goals and be responsible for that.
Vrundavani Patil
Joint Board Member, ELESA


  1. Excellent article @Vrundavani.
    Absolutely correct keys to peace of mind is acceptance and responsibility


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