Farming in India


India has made a massive production in the farming and food production due to he Green Revolution which occurred 3 decades ago. 
In India, out of 435 districts, only 44 districts contribute to a whole of 50% of food grain production. Also, out of these 44 districts, only 14 districts count for the 25% contribution. But a huge productivity in a low area results into adverse Environmental effects.
The Indian farming systems comes along with many components. These include soil, crops, livestock, labor etc. This farming system, is just a resource management strategy to achieve economic and sustained agricultural production to meet diverse requirements of every Indian and also many people abroad.
Along with the many components, there are many outlets or other ways of income for the farmers including the similar resources. The sources of income are dairy from the livestock, poultry farms, bee keeping, agroforestry, floriculture etc. When the search for successful traditional technology is combined with evaluation of current constraints to production and when the farmer is directly involved with the choice of alternatives and the field testing, there is a high probability that the right questions will be answered and the technologies will be appropriate and adopted.
The farming system approach is not completely new for we the Indians to understand. But now a days, because of the lack of natural resources, enough lands, somewhere has an effect on the farming culture. In India, majority of farmers are small landholders, their resource capabilities area low in spite of their farming activities remain large. They cannot just rely on this one source through which they have to struggle to meet their needs. Many factors effect this farming of small land holders.
But a farmer in India, still has to suffer because all the ways and methods of farming are not considered technically sound because the farming community doesn't adopt these techniques. The necessary steps for making a farmer and his community, not just by words, but by deeds as well, one of the super-powers of India. 

Avantika Makesar,
Joint Event Director, ELESA


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