Mood and Music



Bored with daily routine? Feeling down in life? So happy? Want to sing and dance? Do you want to make the moment special?

Yes, for every situation, there is a solution- Music. Music activates all the parts of brain and affects 60% of your mood swings, that is happy music happy mood and sad corresponds to sad. By listening happy and cheering music, we can be relaxed and stay focussed.

So here are some amazing facts related to music:

Ø Music improves language proficiency

Ø Listening to classical music daily enhances our IQ by 9 points. This is Mozart’s effect. It is also proved that music cures brain damage and develop new brain cells.

Ø If u learn music listening reasoning and logical skills are developed

Ø Why do u think this is your favourite music?  - The music you like the most releases more dopamine in compared to other music and makes you happy.

Ø Pregnant ladies listen to soothing music for good mental health of babies. ‘GarbhSanskar’ is followed by Indians is the secret to have beautiful, stunning, intelligent and healthy baby.

Ø Little children listen to music for learning and writing using rhymes and tunes, isn’t it a good way for fast grasping of young buddies

Ø Music can cure depression. We can get innumerable videos related to music therapy on internet ranging from 5min to over 5hours.




Not only Humans but plants also listen music!

          Plants also react to certain music and it activates fast and natural growth. Studies say, Plants listening to rock music deteriorated quickly and died within a couple of weeks, while plants thrived when exposed to classical music. Plants grow fast by listening classical music whereas they grow even faster in Vedic mantras, isn’t it incredible?

          So what is Scientific reason behind this?

The vibration of certain types of music helps to stimulate the transfer of nutrients, proteins, organelles in different parts, which leads to active growth.

Have you ever wondered?

Do slow music and fast music have different effects on us?

In case of malls and supermarket, slow music are played so that walking speed of people would be slow down and more items would be bough. Good strategy!

While in gyms, to increase workout speed and activate mood of people, they provide fast or rock music and benefits for a good workout.


-Shruti Jawalkar

Cheif Club service Director



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