For someone first hearing about Git vs. GitHub, the apparent connection may not be quite so apparent. 

Git or GitHub. Are they the same thing? If not, are they connected in some way?


Git is a version control system that allows you to track changes to your code, and it is a great way to keep track of your work. It is also a great way to share your code with others, and it can be very useful when you are working on a project that involves a lot of collaboration. Git is also very easy to use, and it can be very intuitive when you first start out. It can also be very useful if you want to keep track of your work in a more organized way.


GitHub is a web-based Git repository, that is. Cloud-based storage is offered by this hosting company. Git’s distributed version control and source code management capabilities are all provided by GitHub, along with some additional features. Utilizing Git facilitates collaboration. The public can access GitHub repositories as well. GitHub serves as a networking platform for online professionals since developers from all over the world may engage, contribute to one another’s code, and edit or improve it. Social coding is another name for the process of participation and engagement.

*GitHub Gist: Sharing code snippets and notes instantly.

*GitHub Flow: A workflow to track all the branch-based activities at regular intervals.

*GitHub Pages: Users can directly deploy their static web pages that pull over the data and changes from the respective repository.

*GitHub Students Developer Pack: A space full of cloud resources, developer tools, and programming tools oriented towards the benefit of students

-Joint ARO and SMM


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