Role of Failure in Shaping your Success!!!


We all have sometimes or the other faced failure in our lives, whether during our school, college, during preparation, or even on emotional fronts. In all these situations, how many times have you actually sat and wondered what you learned and about the role of failure in shaping your success? You know you will hardly find people who have done that because we live in a world that is obsessed with success. We have since our childhood been taught to be good at everything and no matter what you do in life, you must always come out with flying colors. We are made to believe that failure is only for losers and so we try to hide it and cry over our failures. How often has someone told you to first fail and then succeed as failure in itself is an experience that makes success look more beautiful and real?

Think of that one person you know who is successful but never failed. Well, it will be hard to find that out. We all know the famous Abraham Lincoln but do you know his failure story, born into poverty, Lincoln was faced with defeat throughout his life. He lost eight elections, twice failed in business, and suffered a nervous breakdown, but did he give up? Definitely Not. This is why we all know about him today.

So failure does bring some sorrow and sadness into your lives but that is momentary, the long-term benefit of failure is that it instills the confidence in you to move forward with greater zeal and enthusiasm and makes you fearless. It is very important to understand the fact that in order to achieve something which you require the most, you will have to make a lot of sacrifices and this requires a lot of dedication, hard work, and patience as well.


    Unlike success, which gives immense pleasure and happiness, failure gifts you the beauty of experience which stays with you for a long. Failure means that you actually tried. Trying and failing are two of the most important teachers in your life who teach you how to walk the path of success. Failure encourages better thinking. It forces you to look back and ask why that work didn’t. What went wrong? When you try, you learn. When you fail, you learn even more. Keep trying, and keep failing. You will soon become a very educated student of life. 

    Well, failure gives you this freedom. Failure helps you think of what went wrong and how it can be improved. It changes your basic mindset and helps you build up into a person who is fearless, stronger, and ready to face any obstacles. Many famous people only after failure have realized what they actually want to do. Failure brings you a state of mind when you feel you have lost everything and thus nothing could be worse than this. Thus in such a situation instead of looking for all the options you want to take up something that you are really passionate about and would like to give your heart and soul into. Failure brings us out of our comfort zone and challenges us to take great leaps 


    • Always have a positive attitude while doing a task. 
    • Always accept the fact that you have failed and you will have to improve your standards to achieve success.
    • Always have that passion to fight till the end.
    • Treating failure as an opportunity to do the same task in a different manner.
    • Never blame others for your failure and have the guts to accept the mistake and learn from that.
    • Not to be demotivated and have that spirit to fight and try alternative measures until you emerge victoriously.
    • Always learning from mistakes done for a particular task and avoiding doing the same future.
    • Always learn from the mistakes done by others rather than laughing at them.
    • So it is important that we should always remain motivated, never be overconfident and always try something new because it is well stated that:

    "In Order To Succeed in Life, Your Desire For Success Should Always Be Greater Than Your Fear For Failure. And For The One Sincerely Works Hard, Life Always Give A Second Chance. Only You Should Be Alert At That Time To Grab That Opportunity."

    From :

    Sanmay Girish Kulkarni

    Assistant Code Expert, ELESA


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