Millions of Wordle Tweets Later

Dear Wordle

I start each morning with frustration…

Wordle, a web-based word game has wormed its way into the hearts of players around the world. It was developed by a programmer, Josh Wardle, who named the game Wordle — a twist on his surname.

Like the best of things, Wordle was made with love. Wardle invented the game to play with his partner. In mid-October 2021, Wardle made it public. It became a viral sensation on Twitter towards the end of 2021 when Wardle added an option to share results on social media with a coloured grid that doesn’t spoil the game for others.

According to data provided by Twitter, since Wardle released the game in November 2021, there have been 1.7 million tweets mentioning "Wordle" globally.

On January 31, 2022, The New York Times Company, the parent of The New York Times, acquired Wordle from Wardle for "an undisclosed price in the low seven figures." The Times stated the game would initially remain free to new and existing users and that no changes would be made to its gameplay.

British game, owned by an American paper.

Wordle uses American English spellings, so some words that you might not even consider, such as “favor", “color", etc, are in fact possible matches. However, Indians speak British English. 

Americans may live in apartments instead of flats and fill their cars with gas instead of petrol, and Brits may eat crisps instead of chips and go on holiday instead of vacation, but aside from bickering about what football is this rarely hinders communication. It is also highly unlikely that English in America and Britain and indeed any other country will diverge much further.

Many users on desi Twitter were taken aback by Wordle solution of the day and claimed the game is only meant for Shashi Tharoor now.

But usually, it’s about four or five tries for me. I get so elated when those green letters light up. 
It can be quite addictive. Here's a bit Wordle 101, try using ARISE or ADIEU on your first try. 

Wordle 243 4/6


Not bad. Do share your perfect score! 
So are you a Wordler? 

Shreya Kothawale
Joint Web Developer


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