The mystics have compared a man to a ladder. The ladder can be used for two things: You can use it

to go upward, and you can use it to go downwards. You use the same ladder for both purposes, only your

direction changes. The ladder is the same but the result will be totally different.

            The man is a ladder between heaven and hell. That's why it is only human beings who

repress, who manipulate, who kill, who try to conquer the natural flow of nature. Only human beings are

stupid, And that is because they can be buddhas. Because human beings have intelligence, that's why they

can be stupid. Stupidity does not mean the absence of intelligence, It simply means you have not used it. If

there is no intelligence, you cannot call a human being stupid.

            You cannot call a rock stupid; A rock is a rock, there is no question of Stupidity. But you can call a

human being stupid because with humans there is hope, a ray of great light. With the human being the door

opens toward the beyond. Man can transcend himself and he is not doing it; that's his stupidity. He can

grow, and he is not growing, he is clinging to all kinds of immaturity; that is his stupidity. He goes on and on

living in the past which is no more; that is his stupidity. Or he starts projecting into the future which is not

yet; that's his stupidity.

            One should live in the present with deep passion and great love, with intensity, with awareness and

that will become your intelligence. It is the same energy; upside down it is stupidity; rearrange it, put it right

and it becomes intelligence.

            Intelligence and stupidity are not separate energies. The energy that functions in harmony is

intelligence, the same energy functioning in contradictions is stupidity. The man can be stupid, but don't

think this is unfortunate. It appears on the surface that it is unfortunate, but hidden behind it is, great glory,

great splendor, which can be discovered.

            But the society; the state, the crowd, want you to be stupid. Nobody wants you to be intelligent.

They all condition you to remain stupid your whole life for the simple reason that stupid people are obedient.

Intelligent people start thinking on their own; they start becoming individuals. They start having their own

life, their own lifestyle, their own way of seeing, of being, of growing. They are no longer part of the crowd;

They cannot be. they have to leave the crowd and only then they can grow. And the crowd feels offended;

the crowd does not want anybody to be more than the

"Average Person";

One who becomes more intelligent, more individual, more aware, will not be any longer

a part of mob psychology.

"You cannot force a buddha to follow stupid people, and the stupid people are many; the majority, 99.9 percent."

Humans need to rediscover their intelligence in the true sense...

From :
Wasim Shaikh,
Joint Event Director, ELESA.


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