
Showing posts from March, 2022
                                RUSSIA VS UKRAINE                                                    – A WAR BEYOND TWO NATIONS   For the past few weeks, we are listening to the ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine. But the question is Do we even know the reason behind this feud and its socio-economic impact on the rest of the world, especially on India . Let’s just briefly look at the history of these two nations & try to find out the answers to our questions.   ·       The Fall of the USSR (1991) The end of the Cold War marked the disintegration of the USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) into 15 countries, Russia and Ukraine being two of them.     Although the Cold war had ended, the Western Nations had some other plans. After the beginning of the cold war, the United States, Canada, and some Western European nations collectively signed a treaty that came to be known as NATO - North Atlantic Treaty Organization , to provide collective protection a


Do you know all social media platforms have one thing in common, what is it? It is the feature of endless scrolling.  The main idea behind this feature is that there is an endless stream of content for the users depending on who they follow or interact with. Various social media apps analyze your past activity. This is how their algorithm works and shows you the content related to your interest.     It’s a fact that almost all of us have experienced the endless loop of scrolling through our social media accounts.    Many individuals have the same routine every day: wake up, check the phone, scroll, read, eat, scroll, watch, scroll, sleep. This kind of routine is very unhealthy for your body but most harmful to your mental health. Watching web series late at night, endlessly using Instagram, Facebook, maintaining snap streak (Is it really important?? 😂 ). This is how we are bounded with these things.     Isn’t it true that in the modern world today changing your DP can be more impor

Web 3.0 Future or Scam??

  History :  1991 to 2004: First generation of the Internet  In this era of the internet, it was not possible to share photos and videos over the network. The internet was the only static page and also interaction was zero. This generation was one-way communication. Our users were consumers and whatever the internet throws at us we were consuming. 2004: After 2004 the revolution happened which changed our lives. Human beings were no more customers; they started giving content to the websites. Real facts: Does YouTube make its own videos?? Does Instagram upload reels on their account?? How many tweets does Twitter post on their account?? The content available today on the internet has 86% content produced by the users, not by the companies but after 100 Years also the problem of security of our data is still there.  100 years ago when we were communicating over letters the security issue of our message, our information, and our data was there because how can you trust the Post